"Portrait of an Oscar" is an original oil painting on a wood panel by Tom Applegate. The painting is signed and comes with a certificate of authenticity. The work uses glazing techniques to create more vibrant colors. The painting has a black background glazed with blue. The fish was first painted white then glazed with colors.
This is not a standard sized painting so you may not be able to find a frame off the shelf, but it looks great unframed. The panel measuers 9.5 x7 inches and is 1/4 inch thick.
The panel is not an ordinary panel but one of Tom's X-Panels. This panel is 1/4 inch thick and is made of 2 sheets of red oak plywood with a carbon fiber layer in the middle. This creates a very strong almost warp proof panel. The panel is prepared with high quality acrylic primed canvas.
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